Tagged: Psychological Thriller

blog post over your shoulder

Review – Over Your Shoulder by C. J. Carver

Over Your Shoulder has very few surprises that are not ludicrous and over the top. With the set up of husband and wife loving each other immensely, it obvious that this bond will be tested to the max. Early doors and we’ve got a missing presumed dead brother turn up, a wife with secrets and a husband who can’t lie to save his life. This jumps start an investigation which is right out of the mind of someone who has never watched a police procedural before. If you have 9 hours idle give this a shot. Absurdity aside, it is an ok read.

Review – The First Lie byΒ A. J. Park

The premise can be ridiculous but a book will still engage me if other elements make it work. However if I don’t ‘get’ the characters and the plot goes from interesting to inexplicable to what the hell, then there’s very little to find appealing. The First Lie lost me early on the story and it never really recovered from there.

Review – When I Was Ten byΒ Fiona Cummins

This book is a must for those who love well written psychological thrillers, that pulls on the heartstrings but not gratuitously so and with characters that you are rooting for. It will make you feel big emotions, be judgemental and sincerely consider your views on several serious issues. What a gripping read!

Book Review – Imposter by LJ Ross

Imposter is not a cosy read, but was perfect for keeping my attention focused on a drab Sunday afternoon with the twists and turns of finding out who was killing women in a small town in County Mayo and why. The sense of unease and dread was palpable.

Violet Title Card

Book Review – Violet byΒ  S.J.I. HollidayΒ 

Violet the character is deliciously written, her small reveals which are at turn disconcerting, unpleasant, or repellent eventually culminates into the realisation that she is dangerously obsessive, retaliatory and unpredictable. What a combination! Terrifying in real life, a boon for a story like this.