Book of the Month – October 2019

Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson

The rich and privileged have fled the city, barricaded it behind roadblocks, and left it to crumble. The inner city has had to rediscover old ways–farming, barter, herb lore. But now the monied need a harvest of bodies, and so they prey upon the helpless of the streets. With nowhere to turn, a young woman must open herself to ancient truths, eternal powers, and the tragic mystery surrounding her mother and grandmother.

She must bargain with gods, and give birth to new legends.

Book blurb from Goodreads

Out of the fine selection of books this month, it’s been hard to identify my top pick for October especially as I had some favourite rereads in the mix, yet  it has to be Brown Girl In The Ring by Nalo Hopkinson. 

A book review will follow sometime in the future as soon as  I stop ruminating on the story and get to writing it.   However what I can say now is, it has been a most satisfying read:  sci fi backdrop and cultural insight reminding me of half remembered stories from my youth. A four star read.

It is difficult to have enjoyed a book so much but be unable to articulate that in words.  So please take a look via the link below to see what had me enthralled, as an interim measure before the book review is written.

4 stars – really liked it

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Engrossed Reader

Reading whenever she can, often to the detriment of sleep. Enjoying most genres with preference for ebooks and audiobooks, mainly for convenience.

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