Book Reviews
I love books, love reading and probably should have started a blog some time ago. But now is good – better late than never as they say. This is my space to talk about what I like, love and adore via book reviews and blog posts.
Genres Reviewed
I read primarily within the following categories:
- Fantasy
- Graphic Novels
- Horror
- Mystery
- Middle Grade
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- Suspense
- Thriller
- Young Adult and Teen
Given the wide range of genres listed, I tend not to go outside this selection… much. Nevertheless, there is no harm in asking.
Advance Review Copies/ Advance Reader Copy (ARC)
I accept requests to review books that are not yet published from large publishers, ebook publishers, independent publishers, and authors in the form of paperbacks, ebooks and audiobooks (ARCs, eARCs, DRCs, etc).
Kindle is my preferred format for books and ebooks.
I am open to reviewing the work of self-published authors, providing the book corresponds to one of the above genres.
I also review recently published books that have been gifted by authors or are accessed via one of the book review websites I am registered on: NetGalley, Edelweiss , BookSirens or Voracious Readers Only Books that have been obtained as gifts/for free/ for certain conditions will be noted in reviews.
In general, the only compensation received when reviewing a gifted book (to be published book or recently published book) is the copy of the book.
Please be informed that my opinions are my own, so if I find it difficult to engage with a book, I will stop reading it before it is concluded. Any review will focus on what has been read and the reasons for not continuing until the end.
Review Style
For ARCs I tend to give a fully rounded summary which may include:
Introduction, Characters, Pacing/Setting, Plot and Conclusion. Conversely, it really does depend on my reaction to the book to determine the scope of the review.
Other books:
For older books, especially those that are several years old, I will give a brief summary and am likely to focus on what particularly interested me whilst reading. The emphasis is on my personal experience rather than a strict review. As given the publication date, the book in question may well have hundreds or thousands of reviews from professional reviewers and bloggers who has covered the standard approach already.
Want me to review a book?
Please read my existing reviews to ensure that you are happy with the style and candid nature of my reviews. Additionally, do have a look below at my Reading Schedule for the list of books that I am currently reading this month, so you are aware of the theme and number already scheduled.
For your information, I am UK based book blogger. If you are a publicist, publisher or I am already on your mailing list then do get in touch with me about reviewing books, author interviews, book features and/or blog tours.
Do be aware that my reading schedule means that I have a minimum 6 – 8 weeks turn around on reading a book and supplying a full book review.
Additionally, due to the number of books I read and other commitments, I am unable to continue reading a book that I do not find enjoyable/ unable to progress with. If my interest is not engaged by 20-30%, then do be advised that my review will indicate as such.
Contact Me
Should you wish to discuss an ARC, or any other query, please feel free to contact me here to discuss further.
Reading Schedule
Currently Reading
The left sidebar on the website will let you know what I am currently reading.
Reading This Month
The list below will let you know what I’m planning on reading this month. That of course can change – mainly because often I squeeze in extra books – rather than not reading what’s been agreed/scheduled. Additionally reading this month’s preview blog post (if available) will confirm what theme/genre I’m following.
Star Rating System
Explained below is the 5 star rating system I use which is based loosely on Goodreads.
Sometimes there is no specific reason why I gave a book five stars, it just felt like a five star read, even if I did have one or more issues with it.

No portion of this website Engrossed Reader – Ramblings: Reflections and Observations may be reproduced or used without the consent of Engrossed Reader. If you would like to use a blog post or content of this website contact me directly via email here
All books reviewed on Engrossed Reader – Ramblings were either purchased by Engrossed Reader or borrowed by Engrossed Reader from a library/elibrary. Additionally, a free copy may be obtained from publishers and/or authors.
Books obtained by publishers/authors will be stated in book reviews. Books obtained by publishers/authors are in exchange for honest reviews.
The compensation received for supplying a book review is a copy of the book and in some instances promotional material. If compensation in addition to the above is received, it will be stated in the book review. This also applies to blog tours.
A publisher or author is informed that the book review will be published according to following terms below
- Per the terms of the agreement. If the book was obtained from a book review platform it will receive a review on that platform.
- During the period when the book is published, either before or shortly after the book is published.
- Alternatively, this may be according to my blog post schedule. The book review may be posted live on the website Engrossed Reader – Ramblings: Reflections and Observations, other websites or social media channels where I post reviews or commentaries prior to or after publication of the book.
If the publisher or author is not informed in advance of the review being published, they will be notified post publication of the review. This can take the form of written correspondence directly (email) or social media mention using relevant account tag or hashtag.