Recap – March 2020

As I mentioned obliquely in the March preview, the Coronavirus was already giving me low level anxiety. This has thankfully stabilised, now there is enforced stay at home guidelines / we’re practising social distancing and remaining at home as much as possible.
March saw me not reading a lot. I kind of stuck to the short list and hardly veered off. It didn’t help that it was a struggle to concentrate and read for pleasure. It took a while to get into books and be able to pick them up again. Nevertheless, it wasn’t all doom and gloom. I noticed that what I read and really enjoyed were books I’d previously read – those I knew the outcome to.
It was World Poetry Day and I did manage one or two, which was an improvement on last year.
I finally caught up on my science fiction reads and they were as good as I remembered.
All hurt my heart though but that was to be expected
To date, reviews of all but one are on the blog. The Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee has this hold on me, it transfixes me. I have yet to complete the review, though I read it in February. The right words are almost there to describe this love story with an android. But I digress.
I read this in March

Book of the Month
Despite all that was happening, I still managed to read some great books and one of them naturally took the top spot. My book of the month went to the advance review copy of Corporate Gunslinger: A Novel by Doug Engstrom. It was a compelling read about a world quite similar to this one – where debt is so overwhelming that people are forced into almost lifetime servitude paying it back and actual servitude if they can’t , unless they take up the corporate insurance job of Gunslinger. This bittersweet tale focusing on one of the most popular stars will touch you and make you despair about the similarities you see. It resonated with me as a tweet noted. And before I forget, I’ve got to highlight the book cover, isn’t it just cool.
Read my review on 6th April 2020 or have a look at the March Recap newsletter for a preview
Meh of the Month
Luckily I was able to avoid being disappointed by any books this month, long may that continue
Looking Ahead
April will be quiet due to the unknown further impact of the pandemic, it would be unwise to be ambitious. Yet there are books in the pipeline – Have a look here to find out what’s on the reading list for this month
Also, I am looking forward to Easter. It is a time for renewal, rebirth and miracles. We are due some of that right about now.