Review – Godless by Derek Porterfield
Series: Book 2 of the Mute-Cat Chronicles
The Story Then
No-Mod takes place in a techno-religious city, where the marginalised include those without biomedical modification. Addie’s search for answers takes her on the run revealing more about this autocratic world than she had envisaged. Riveting YA read with little details that make it a pleasure to read. I am looking forward to the sequel.
Review of No-Mod, Book 1 of the Mute Cat Chronicles
I wrote that review of Book 1 of the Mute Cat Chronicles in April 2020. Picking up Book 2 in January 2021, it remained the case that I was looking forward to seeing what these rebels had gotten up to in the meantime.
It’s a bit tough to review this book as every description (I want to use) is a revelation of the layered plot. So most unlike me, I will have to be succinct aka around the houses in the hope that I don’t give away any (too many) spoilers.
The Story Now
We catch up with the Scooby Gang, shortly after we left them in Book 1: No-Mod. Addie is working on accessing her God state, higher level bio modification intentionally with skill rather than randomly in moments of fight or flight. The rest of the band are settling in to the compound, and finding ways to help with Mom’s plan of resistance and overthrow of the current regime. They don’t stay at the mountain retreat for long and it all go from there with adventure and individual stories being played out, while we try to ascertain more about the motivations of Lord Bantham, and unravel further strands of the plot.
When is the villain only a bad guy?
This is a harsh world, polarised by affluence and excess versus deprivation and abject poverty. The more I find out about Lord Bantham’s aims, is where I think, does the end justify the means.
Can we forgive or at the very least understand his lapse to the darkside – to autocratic oversight – because his original intent (at a stretch) was founded in addressing inequality. Likewise, what do we say about well intentioned individuals corrupted by an corporate structural bias?
This is a coming of age book, perfect for those trying to find out what their purpose is, taking chances, making mistakes in the face of not enough information, and finding and defining family through interaction.
Godless for me is summed up in revelations of motive and character: Why individuals act the way they do and the justifications they tell themselves and others. This is an interesting world, with technical advances that appear futuristic, nevertheless is relatable, because of the people.
People are unchanging in their traits regardless of century, location, ethnicity gender, etc. As their goals, ambitions, selfish ideals, and hopeful endeavours remain eerily relatable.
(There is a quasi religious overtone that rules this world).
If you’ve read the first two books in this trilogy, you’ll have your own opinions . I’m patiently awaiting book 3, to see if I’m right.
My thanks to the author for a digital copy of this book in exchange for a candid review.
3 Stars - Liked It