Review – Black Voices by Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor

Book Review-Black voices
Book Review-Black voices

Black Voices Inspiring & Empowering Quotes from Global Thought Leaders

The blurb Black Voices is a must-have reference to Pan African culture and history” and the vibrant cover sold this book to me

 I went into reading this thinking ‘ What is the goal of this book: to enlightened, to inform, to educate or something else?’.  And I’m pleased to say that it was all that and more.

The format of Black Voices

I enjoyed the quotes from the range of individuals included in Black Voices many unknown, others familiar. 60 quotes covering many topics from the obvious such as race, culture, blackness to education, inspiration, hope and perseverance.

It is easy to have an opinion on anything and everything, at some point everyone is going to say at least one profound thought in their lifetime.  Therefore it was ideal to have Black Voices organised in a way that you could search specifically on a topic of interest.

Each subsection explained its topic with a preface before the individual quotes.

I liked the short bios that accompanied each quote so I could see the quoted individual in context. The bibliography at the end was a nice addition, saved me from making a note of the books that I now want to read.

The Art Work Needs A Book Of Its Own

I can’t end this review without mentioning the art which was stunning, complimentary and distinct for each quote. 6 Black artists from around the work created art included in Black Voices and it truly was a delight to see, a real feast for the eyes. 

In summary, Black Voices works equally well as a coffee table book: decorative, a source of knowledge and inspiration, but also a serious introduction to notable and influential individual of African heritage.

Quotes galore, but there must be one

There are several quotes that stood out to me and made me think hard, but I am limiting myself to one to share here

If we trace our lineages, we will find each
other, and the only people that benefit
from us remaining lost to the rest of our
family are the ones who are currently
oppressing both sides of the family.”

Dr Tiffany Pogue, African American educator and writer

My thanks to Quarto Publishing Group – Wellfleet Press and NetGalley for a digital advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Stars - Really Liked It
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Engrossed Reader

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