Review – Dark Blue Rising by Teri Terry

Advance Review Copy Details
- Title: Dark Blue Rising
- Author: Teri Terry
- Series: Yes, #1
- Genre: Mystery, supernatural, Teen & YA
- Source: Netgalley
- Publisher: Hodder Children’s Books
- Publication Date: 9 Jul 2020
- Format: Kindle
- Duration/Number of Pages: 448
Why so mysterious!
Dark Blue Rising is about Tabby a young adult who knows that her life is different to other teens because fundamentally she is different to other young adults and her home life is too. She doesn’t go to school, she frequently moves from place to place with her mum Cate and there are family rules that must be followed.
But those aren’t the only difference she notices, her connection to the sea is intrinsic
So Tabby’s going through all the usual teenage stuff, plus her family life is awkward and her attachment to the sea inexplicable
Tabby is one take on that point in time where you don’t quite understand yourself and aren’t getting any or the right answers from the adults in your life
What isn’t too much of a spoiler is that Tabby was abducted as a baby. Finding that out and being returned to her birth parents are shocks to her system.
Who and what can she trust?
Are her memories real
Naturally Tabby experiences Stockholm syndrome; she is conflicted about Cate and her past – the one she lived and the one she missed. Questioning all that Cate told her, Tabby is disturbed: trying to hold onto the past when the future is taking her elsewhere.
What I liked
What stood out for me was the voice of Tabby. it really captured the essence of a teen where events are changing in her life and she has very little influence on the outcome. Her cluelessness sometimes irritated but not enough to negatively effect enjoyment of the book.
It’s all very mysterious and as Tabby tries to settle into this new reality, trying to build a relationship with her mum and dad, and make friends she experiences dreams, visions and odd occurrences. There are mysteries which she is trying to get to the bottom of, events going on in the world which somehow she is connected to. And an enigmatic symbol which she keeps on getting glimpses of. Secrets will be revealed. Finally, there is always the sea which is a constant lure.
Dark Blue Rising showed the life of these teens quite well, depicting life, family, and relationships as imperfect, not ideal just real and a bit messy. In Tabby it laid bare the turmoil of an interrupted childhood, mysterious history, curious abilities, and an uncertain future.
I am left wanting to learn more about this odd world and its secrets.
My thanks to Netgalley and Hodder Children’s Books for a copy of this book in exchange for a candid review.
3 Stars – Liked It