Review – This is My Face by Lee Alfred II

Book Review - This is my Face
Book Review - This is my Face

Illustrated by Jenny Cabatuan

I must confess to not reading any Liam and Landen’s previous books, but this didn’t stop me enjoying the energy of This Is My Face.

These African American siblings are a joy, especially in their enthusiasm to living up to their father directive of being as creative as they can.

We have a range of faces that run the gamut of emotions from happy to sad. These boys are emotionally articulate and are able to explain the thoughts and feelings shown in their expressions.

I like the running theme that gives strength and resilience

Your face is unique,
Your face is you.
Don’t change who you are
whatever you do

How good is This is My Face

This is a good book for on many levels as a straightforward read of children having fun but also as a way of allowing children to identify and express their emotions in an accessible way. The activities at the end of the book reinforce the sliver of mindfulness that runs throughout. The illustrations were unfortunately dull, flat even and did not live up to the spirit of the text

My thanks to NetGalley and publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

3 Stars - Liked It
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Engrossed Reader

Reading whenever she can, often to the detriment of sleep. Enjoying most genres with preference for ebooks and audiobooks, mainly for convenience.

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