Review – Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Book Review - Remarkably Bright Creatures
Book Review - Remarkably Bright Creatures

I regret taking so long to read Remarkably Bright Creatures.  How and why this sat in my kindle for a day longer than I downloaded it is unfathomable.  The fact that I took as long as I did, without diving straight in is an affront to this charming book.

We have an emotionally intelligent octopus existing in captivity who in an effort to relieve his boredom seeks to solve a missing person’s mystery.  Through doing so we are introduced to delightful individuals and a warm community.  Personalities and relationships are revealed, and a mystery is explained. 

Humans are lovely but Marcellus is a joy.  His resolve to bring peace and understanding to Tova’s sorrow is heart warming. I’ve learnt a lot about octopi yet more about compassion and resilience.

A wonderful, warm read. 

My thanks to NetGalley and publishers for a digital copy of this wonderful book to review

4 Stars - Really Liked It
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Engrossed Reader

Reading whenever she can, often to the detriment of sleep. Enjoying most genres with preference for ebooks and audiobooks, mainly for convenience.

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