Review – The Cat Who Couldn’t Be Bothered by Jack Kurland

Cats are such personalities, I was looking forward to getting to know this one
The title and the subject matter is what caught my eye when choosing to request The Cat Who Couldn’t Be Bothered. Knowing the personal feeling of ‘can’t be bothered’ and wondering why this cat was feeling that way was intriguing.
Why so sad little cat?
The book starts with a solitary black and white cat, hanging out by himself. Then we have a series of colourful animals (mainly cats) asking if he wants to join them on their adventures and activities.
It’s interesting that Greg was black and white and the rest were in colour. This monotone and the splashes of colour and movement makes Greg’s stillness even more stark. Is Greg seeing the world in black and white? Has he lost his colour (enjoyment in life).?
Can you have friends and still be sad?
As the story plays out it appears that Greg had a number of friends who are including him, but how close are these friendships if they don’t follow up on his response “not bothered” .
It’s only when one him what Greg what he wants to do, does things change.
The Cat Who Couldn’t Be Bothered is a wonderful read on many levels for the fun, bright engaging illustrations and twist in the tale. It packs an emotional punch for the key messages about friendship and mental health and wellbeing.
Friends who commiserate are good, but a friend who is honest about their feelings are better
Being inclusive, inviting others into your friendship circle is great, but being a friend is a dialogue not a one way invitation. Once Greg was asked, it was a catalyst for honesty, on both sides and the opportunity to share that sadness happens to us all. Which can sometimes be a revelation to those going through a period of sadness. Good friends support you in the most suitable way to get through it.
You don’t have to be a fan of cats to enjoy The Cat Who Couldn’t Be Bothered
Not only for cat lovers, The Cat Who Couldn’t Be Bothered is a lovely picture book that everyone should experience the joy to read.
My sincere thanks to NetGalley and publishers for an advance copy of this book exchange for a honest review.
5 Stars - It Was Amazing