Review – Nobody But Us by Laure Van Rensburg

Book Review - Nobody But Us
Book Review - Nobody But Us

“It should be a perfect, romantic trip for two.

Book Cover

That part of the blurb, this promise of unfurling a mystery is what made me request Nobody But Us from NetGalley.  The fact that it took me several tries before I was able to get pass the first chapter gives some indication of my thoughts on this book. 

We’re presented with a “handsome well respected professor”  Steven and his grad student girlfriend Ellie on their first weekend trip away to celebrate their 6 month anniversary.  However they both have secrets and their own agenda, when both collide, it’s pretty graphic.

Relationship trouble?

Before they arrive at their romantic getaway you already have the measure of them both and realise that appearances are deceptive, something is off with them. Domineering Steven and passive Ellie are a perfect match or so we are meant to believe but as the weekend goes on, we are shown the fractures in their relationship. 

Not Surprising

Both personalities were so unlikeable even before the reveal, that the confrontation made you think how could things get any worse – and we care less about Steven and Ellie. I was highlighting the heck out of my kindle edition with notes like ‘he said this…’, ‘this reveals the hidden side…’, ‘she did…’.  When things got real I just couldn’t believe them, how could these caricatures be more polarised?

Rather than give way to giant spoilers, I will give some context and say that for those who appreciate trigger warnings, this sits firmly within the #MeToo movement and incorporates all the adjacent skeevy elements around grooming.

What Kept Me Reading

The atmosphere of the location (remote, snowy) and house (big, shrouded in dark, hidden areas), perfect as a murder mystery/horror setting was what kept me interested until the end. Also, it was nice to know that my guesses were mostly correct. 

Overall an okay fast paced read but predictable, illogical in too many places, unsavoury and unpleasant temperaments meant that I didn’t enjoy this read as much as I wanted and expected to.

2 Stars - It Was Okay
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Engrossed Reader

Reading whenever she can, often to the detriment of sleep. Enjoying most genres with preference for ebooks and audiobooks, mainly for convenience.

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