Review – Maybe I Don’t Belong Here by David Harewood

Book Review - Maybe I Don't Belong Here
Book Review - Maybe I Don't Belong Here

Reading while listening or immersion reading, whatever you want to call it was how I read Maybe I Don’t Belong Here which was perfect for me.

I think a memoir when read by the author imbues an indescribable element that enhances the enjoyment of a book. Concurrently reading the text gave it an added resonance. This isn’t a book where enjoyment is the first thing that springs to mind. Whilst there are humorous sections, interesting tidbits of the life of a working actor that you’ve actually heard of. What I was left with foremostly was gratitude for this honest insight not just into David Harewood’s mental health and wellbeing but the context around it. If being colourblind was a real thing, not tokenism aka, treating people equally, according to accomplishment or potential (dependent on the situation), then truly the world would be a better place, less divisive.

Mental Health

Words matter, assumptions and stereotypes stigmatise and micro aggressions are real and damaging. 

This book showed the consequences of this and more. Through a personal lens it touched on family history, mental health provision for non whites, funding of the NHS and role of a strong support network to advocate.

On finishing this, I was reminded of those individuals going through similar situations and challenges but not in the same privileged position of the author. I realise that ill health is not limited to only the poor or disenfranchised, however money and influence can afford interventions that make a real difference in treatment and sustained recovery.

There was nothing new here in the topics shared and themes explored. But the delivery made what could have been a downbeat read, hopeful.

Mental Health and Racism

Because people are more aware of the impact of racism on mental and physical health and are willing to share openly to remove the stigma, there is hope that things can and will change. And by change I mean not only access to services, personalised care, delivery of a patient focus service that meets the needs of the population it’s serving rather than the one size fits all approach. I mean too treating non whites as human beings who have different characteristics but are fundamentally the same rather than different.

An interesting read.

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Engrossed Reader

Reading whenever she can, often to the detriment of sleep. Enjoying most genres with preference for ebooks and audiobooks, mainly for convenience.

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