Review – Scrambled Eggs by Happy Yak

I love the vivid colours and costumes in Scrambled Eggs by Happy Yak. Despite the fact that I was limited by reading the Kindle version of the eARC and didn’t get the full experience as a split page board book, I very much enjoyed reading this picture book.
How cool are these eggs?
These eggs showed how versatile they were and maybe indicated the cool adventures they could get up to. A pirate egg, a runny egg and movie star egg were some of my favourites. The fact that you can then scramble them up so it’s a mad mixture is a whole barrel of fun.
Scrambled Eggs: fun for everyone
This led to me musing about which toddlers I knew would enjoy this read and interactive fun. That fun note was dimmed when I remember Scrambled Eggs isn’t published yet and therefore couldn’t feature as a 2023 Christmas present. I can only console myself with the fact that there are birthdays coming up in 2024 and that will be a perfect excuse to read this book again in the near future.
A lovely blend of text and illustrations. Delightful for big kids as well as small ones.
My thanks to NetGalley and publishers for an advance digital copy in exchange for a honest review
4 Stars - Really Liked It